Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Georg Wilhelm Wand
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Klaes Wilhelm (William) [Male] b. 23 Apr. 1828 Endenich - d. 15 Nov. 1908 Hebron, Thayer Co, Nebraska, USA
Title: Geburtsurkunde
Ausgewandert 1845 nach Amerika. Dort Farmer; Honey Creek, Wisconsin
Wohnort 1870 Columbia, WI.
"The Wisconsin State Register, (Portage, WI) Saturday, March 04, 1882; Issue 2; col D
Columbia County News Poynette E. C.
Category: News
West Point.
Mr. W. N. King has recently purchased four-fifths of the place recently owned and occupied by Wm. KLAES, on sections 34. Consideration, $575.
Columbia County News Poynette (News) E. C..
The Wisconsin State Register (Portage, WI) Saturday, March 04, 1882; Issue 2; col D
Mr. Wm. KLAES and Mr. Chris. McKeever are going to move to Nebraska soon."
The Bell, of Sacred Heart Church, a Bicentennial Centennial History 1876 - 1976:
The Wm. Klaes family came from Wisconsin October 31, 1880. They built a home across the street south of the church, which was later moved to erect an Incubator Factory.
(Laut Columbia County News Poynette lebten sie aber 1882 noch in Wisconsin!)
Title: Geburtsurkunde
Title: Laut Unterlagen Heinrich Maternus Klaes
Ausgewandert 1845 nach Amerika.
Title: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Publication: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Title: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Publication: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Title: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Publication: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Title: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Publication: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Eintrag Sterbeurkunde: Die Eltern konnten von den Zeugen nicht angegeben werden.
Title: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Publication: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Title: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Publication: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Title: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Publication: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Auch Bongart, Bungardt, Bungart
Title: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Publication: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Title: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
Publication: KB Hl. Maria Magdalena, Endenich (Bonn); CD3 Wgff
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